Future Shows

Future shows

2024 Pantomime

Audition & Read Through details

Read Through: Monday 12th August 2024 7:30 @ Fakenham Community Centre
Auditions: Monday 19th August 2024 from 7:30 @ Fakenham Community Centre

Open to new and old members. You must be 18+ to audition for this pantomime.

Show Synopsis

Rapunzel, a beautiful young woman with long golden hair, is locked up in a tower with no stairs and no door by her grandmother (really?) for her own safety (REALLY!?). Hold on, that’s no grandmother, that’s the evil witch Gothel. She’s collecting Rapunzel’s tears to keep herself young. And she is helped (and hindered) by her idiot henchfolk, Curly and Bob.

Back in the town, Trixie Bouffant (a local hairdresser) is still mourning the disappearance of her baby daughter 16 years ago. She takes her mind off it by flirting mercilessly with the Captain of the Guard.

And there’s Dame Trixie’s put-upon son, Frankie, everyone’s friend and valet to the playboy Prince Frederick. Frankie spends much of his time holding back the paparazzi and the autograph hunters (and the Prince’s hair after he’s overindulged).

Over at the palace, Fairy Flora has just finished her training and has come to serve the King and Queen, who are exasperated by their son’s partying. So they send him out into the world to prove himself worthy.

And he only goes and rescues Rapunzel from the tower! To no-one’s surprise, Gothel is not best pleased. She storms the palace to take Rapunzel back but, in the final showdown, love triumphs. Who’d have thought it?

Character List

Prince Federick (Male/Female)

Principal Boy
Gorgeous and charming, but a little arrogant and immature. Wants life to be fun, with no responsibilities – but this does change when he falls in love.

Rapunzel (Female)

Principal Girl
A beautiful girl, naïve, but studious and clever, from year of reading books whilst locked in a tower.

Dame Beatrix (Trixie) Bouffant (Male)

A traditional pantomime Dame. A poor, but glamorous hairdresser, trying to earn an honest living. Mother of Rapunzel, who was snatched away as a baby. Also mother to Frankie.

Frankie (Male)

Valet to the prince. Hard-working, but good fun. Son of Dame Beatrix Bouffant. This is the audience participation role so needs to have a good rapport with audience.

Witch Gothel (Female)

The ‘Baddie’ – the evil witch who stole Rapunzel from her mother. Needs to be able to work with the audience to engage in boos and hisses.

Fairy Flora (Female)

The good fairy…she has only just completed her training and this is her first job. Sweet with a touch of comedy. All her lines are in rhyme.

Curly & Bob (Male/Female)

The ‘Comedy Duo’. Dim-witted henchmen to the Witch Gothel. Both are bungling idiots – good comedy talent required.

King Geoffrey (Male)

Worried that his son is an irresponsible heir to the throne. Assertive, but with some comedy.

Queen Gertrude (Female)

Prince Fredericks’s mother – she spoils her son and thinks the king is too hard on him. Some comedy required.

Captain of The Guard (Male)

Serious, authoritative character. Fights of the Dame’s advances. Some comedy required.

Lacie, Macie and Gracie (Female)

Prince Fredericks “Social Secretaries.” They follow him around, hanging on his every word. Gracie has a crush on Frankie.


Villages, Palace Courtiers, Paparazzi, Fans.

Audition Material/Packs

Coming Soon

Important Details

Show Dates: Tuesday 3rd December 2024 – Saturday 7th December 2024 (Shows daily at 7:30 pm with additional Saturday Matinee @ 2:30)

Tech Rehearsal: Sunday 1st December 2024 7:30

Dress Rehearsal: Monday 2nd December 2024 7:30

Set up weekends:  23rd November & 24th November / 30th November & 1st December 

Coming Summer 2025

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